Written @ 9:20 a.m. on 2007-10-22
Decision Day

So, BoSo got home from Sweden on the 19th. Didn't call on the 19th, ok, so he's travelling. Didn't call on the 20th, ok, so he's jetlagged. Didn't call on the 21. Now I am starting to get pissed.

Last night I call at about 7.

"Hi. What you doing?"
"Playing playstation at Chris'."
"Ah, well, if you are hanging out, I'll talk to you later."
"No,no! I'm giving the controller away. I want to talk to you."
(Loud chatter of a party in the backround, he speaks over the noise)
"Ok. How was Sweden?"
"Unbelievable. Amazing. I finally found my home."
"That is excellent. I'm really glad. I was slightly annoyed that you didn't call, or email, or send a carrier pidgeon to let me know that you made it there, or made it home."
"I'm sorry, I've been really busy. I had a wedding yesterday..."
"I was worried."
"I got a guest spot in Sweden and I am going next spring!"
"That's great! Let's cut the the chase, though. Are you in love?"
"Are you?"
long silence.
"Boso, did you come to any decisions?"
"Yeah, I did. My life is in Sweden."
"I see."
"I don't want to ruin what you have and that is what I want."
"Well, good, then. I hope that you are really happy there."
"Can I call you tonight?"
"Ok, then. Bye."

There you have it. A two minute phone call decides my fate.

I dreamt last night about my best friend from 6th grade. She died when we were 20.

In the dream I found her in a catholic school, and I ran up and shouted her name, and said,"It's me, Hil! It's Hil! It's Hil!" She didn't recognize me, and turned her back.

I woke up crying, and instantly knew the symbolism.

I have lost another best friend.


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