Written @ 9:48 a.m. on 2007-04-26

"I was so wrapped up in my past behavior with Lill and Mayhem that I kept thinking, how can I possibly be with someone who doesn't incur a total panic/adrenaline rush?" -

Wow. That's my story with B. Healthy relationships are so foreign to me I don't even know how to deal with one.

In the previous entry I added a picture from N.'s art show last night. It was awesome, totally packed, and a policeman served punch. See, nice policeman,kiddies. They won't shoot you. They give you punch! The art was inspiring, too. I'm not sure I'm so much an artist as somebody who is totally mesmerized by pretty colors. Kids' art is a smorgasborg of preeeeeeeetty coooolors. There were some pieces made of ripped paper that were formed into landscapes that were really inspiring. I wanted to buy them, but I was embarrassed to say,"hey, kid, I'll give you a shiny new $20 for that picture..."

X hung up on me for no reason last night. Kind of feeling bummed out today.


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