Written @ 4:52 p.m. on 2007-05-16
My Business Makes Lots of Money

Spent the day FURR-EEEKing out. Child support is late. Supposed to be travelling to florida for a family vacation next week, so I will miss money making opportunities at home. I'd rather stay home, isn't that terrible? Not making any money on my new business, because it is a little bud just waiting to explode into bloom. Goddess, I am shaking my booty for the send money rain dance.

I'm really believing in the idea of THE SECRET, which says that your thoughts become things. Recently, it has been terrible, because I get flooded with doubts, and then I'm like, Oh no! Thoughts become things! Then I freak out more. This must stop.

B., who never displays an emotion until he has thought about it for three days, has been very supportive of my blubbering. Being an only child, he thinks this emotional girl stuff is quite new and fascinating. I'll be fine.

BUT, the beautiful soul (BoSo) that I used to apprentice for in the tattoo shop is also going through a re-organizing of his life, and it looks like he will be closing the current shop and moving into a different situation. He was thinking about moving to Philly, but his relationship with his girlfriend ended, so he probably won't be going there.

He called me up and let me know that he was toying with the idea of having me back as an office manager in the shop, and apprenticing me again. The cool thing about that is that BoSo is totally on-board with the CHILDREN COME FIRST mindset, and is happy to be flexible. He has one of the only child friendly shops I know of. He has coloring books, video games and sodapop for kids who wait for their parents to get work done. I think this is really a plus for his business. First, really, tattoos are not scary and most of what we did was butterflies on housewives' shoulders "Oooh, Bob, I'm being so BAD! Teehee!" Secondly, kids are little shavers who will be coming back with their babysitting money in a few short years!

I really wish the whole world was more inviting to children. I have heard that other cultures are much more open-minded about this, making accomodations for nursing mothers and children more often. Chick-fil-a puts out little packets of cheerios for free for babies, and Ikea is totally awesome about kids, so maybe things are getting a tad nicer. My mom said during the baby boom, there was a glass playroom in the movie theater where you could park your kids and see them while the parents watched a movie. In today's liability crazy world it wouldn't fly, but I might go out to a lot more movies if they did have that setup. The death of the tribe, where little ones and elders were valued, has really hurt our society, I think.

If the witches out there could send a little bit of positive energy over to me to help my new business get started, I would really appreciate it. I've grown so accustomed to eating all the time. One thing about anorexia- it's quite ecomonical in the short term!

Speaking of, what are we having for dinner?



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