Written @ 12:42 a.m. on 2007-07-14
Vomit, Hurl, Ralph

My diary has been so happy lately it's really rather disgusting. Sorry for the high hurl factor, my dear Thrillers.

Let this be a lesson that money does not buy happiness because I am B. R. Oke. and still hurl-inducing happy.

*Sidenote...in L.A. the grocery stores are called Ralph's. Where I come from "ralph" is a slang term, verb, meaning to vomit. Used in a sentance-Hil's diary makes me ralph. Isn't that a funny thing to call a grocery store?

I don't know what I did all day but I seemed to be busy. Walked to the farmer's market. Helped BoSo out. Brought some gloves down to the tattoo shop because they were running low. BoSo's ex, the one I gave the ride before, said, "Well, we can stop washing them out and reusing...". I laughed, and said,"Ahh! I don't want to hear that!" and then she looks at me and says,"You know I'm kidding, right?"

People assume I am very dumb. Reusing gloves in a tattoo shops would be like amputating the wrong leg in a surgical setting. Yeah, bitch, I know you are kidding!

I am much more dumb than I was in my youth. In elementary school I tested off of the charts in everything, and then throughout school they had all sorts of punishments and tortures for me because I was "gifted". My favorite was sitting in a class of kids with different abilities, and being assigned extra homework. "Everyone, do questions 1-10 for tomorrow, accept for you, Hil, go to 25." WTF? I'm smart! Doesn't mean I don't like to play outside, chew bubblegum and make farting noises like the dumb kids!

Before that, being in a separate class, I could enjoy my ignorance of the fact that the other kids only did questions 1-10. Again, being smart doesn't pay. In this case, as in many, ignorance is bliss!

There was another torture called CTY. Oh man! This is smart kid camp. You could take Chemistry or Calculus ALL summer, live with other smart (nerd) kids, and do three hours of homework a night. It was supposed to be jolly fun. My mother yelled at me, something about wasted potential, and I remember standing at my father's desk in his upstairs office, pleading my case. This is what we had to do in our family. My father is a lawyer.

"If it pleases the court, I would like to present some key points in my case against CTY. I am a kid, and I want to go to acting camp and act goofy in the summer. I want to ride bikes and read Teen Beat. I have completed all of the school work that I was assigned to a high level of satisfaction, sir, and I do not feel that it is just that I be so severely punished by being forced to attend your nerd camp just for doing what was asked of me. I ask the court to remove this obligitory summertime torture, and allow me to have fun. In closing, my youth is short, and should not be mispent doing obscene amounts of homework in really, really boring subjects."

My father said,"Your mother and I feel it would be a huge benefit for you to go."

I looked at him and said,"You understand that it will, then, be by force." I stared him down.

My father let out an exasperated sigh, but I won. And I've been playing dumb ever since.

You should have seen it when my sister wanted a dog. I think she had charts and graphs.

Sometimes I stare at myself in the mirror and practice my giggle, and "like, fer sure!"s, so that I can get out of speeding tickets.

Just kidding. "You know I'm kidding, right?"

And now, for something completely different...Here is a poem, taken from the new book I got from Bookmooch.com, "Earth Prayers from Around The World"...

O Hidden Life vibrant in every atom,
O Hidden Light! shining in every creature,
O Hidden Love! embracing all in Oneness,
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is also one with every other.
-Annie Besant


Later skaters.


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