Written @ 12:28 a.m. on 2007-07-26
What Happened

I should write a nice story, with a beginning, a middle and an end, using descriptive words and all that, but the truth is I have been wanting to hide under my bed and eat candy until I throw up since Friday. When my ex came. For his little visit.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go ahead and check out the archives.

So, here is pretty much what happened. A social services guy came today at about 6. I was just out of the shower, wearing a tank top, a bra, and pajama bottoms, and had wet hair. He was very nice. He was an ex-cop from NYC. He did not take my ex's story to be any sort of a threat to the children's welfare. At no point did he admonish me for having them playing outside in front of my apartment. He told me the children seemed happy and well behaved and the house was very nice. He eats at the pizza shop downstairs all the time. He told me he would recommend that this case not be carried on any further by his department. Have a nice day.

So, we are 90% in the clear, unless he has an asshole supervisor or something that makes him reopen the case. WE ARE OK.

I'll be a better writer tomorrow.


before || after