Written @ 7:30 p.m. on 2007-08-11
Deb's VIsit

Deb was here! She brought cookies!!!!!! Yeah, baby! She must know me well.

She looked radiant in her pink sweatshirt, and with her sparkling hazel eyes, she looked like a woman who was "Up To Something". Surprisingly, and without planning, Deb, the girls and I had all put on pink today! We had a fine day, walking to the Farmer's Market, picking up picnic chicken, etc, and travelling to the rose garden to partake in our delicacies. The girls played in the water in the creek in the park, and we had lots and lots of girl talk. I even took her to see the wrestling gym, where she saw the actual film footage of B.'s shoulder being separated. There are pictures of me throwing Deb into a headlock in the wrestling ring. She tried the,"Oh, no, I couldn't..." but, you know Deb, she's gungho for whatever I can throw at her. I figured I had to offer her SOMETHING that she didn't have at home. Headlocks are my personal specialty, what can I say?

The girls decided that today was a great time to have a SUPER HYPER day, but Deb took it all in stride. I was bummed that I didn't have a better ultra-mega-fun agenda planned, and, you know, that I am not more fabulous in general, but actually, I think the things that we did worked out well. It was nice.

I am still astounded that Deb would travel three hours in a car to come to my house, but this lady has been reading my writing since the dark ages. Since I was still married. It's so weird.

Deb, we need to get you some better hobbies! Perhaps knitting?

Deb, you are super cool, and I am already planning visit number 2. And don't worry, no headlocks!!! Thanks for coming over.

I'm exhausted.


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