Written @ 10:19 a.m. on 2007-08-14

Write. Write. Write.
I woke up this morning thinking everything is a big joke. What the fuck am I taking all of these little problems and dramas so seriously for? What else can I do but enjoy a satisfying gaffaw when my perenially obese sister gives me a lecture on not being a good example to my children because I have gained weight recently? It's a snorting through the nose belly laugh.

Or when my ex calls and makes a plan to see his kids "sometime...today....later...."? That's an eye rolling snicker.

Or when I'm working with tech support for an hour and a half, and my computers' innards are in open heart surgery, and the tech presses the wrong button, and I get a CUSTOMER on the line??? That's one of those run around screaming laughs, like when you first get off of a roller coaster and you can't believe you are still alive.

Whatever, dude. It's just my life. I don't smoke, but I'm going to adopt the attitude of a stoner. Dude. That's cool. Nice. Giggle. Chaaaaa.

Everyday is my celebration. This morning we all ceremoniously walked to the elementary school and registered P. for kindergarten. Awwwwwwww! My baby! She had her shots yesterday, which took two hours of waiting in the waiting room full of 700 rugrats smashing trucks into each other. Smash. Smash. Smash. Smash. Phones ringing. Babies crying. Smash. Smash. Smash. Repeat for two hours. Good times. Dude.

"I'm not Mr. Lebowski. YOU are Mr. Lebowski. I'm The Dude, or Duder, or the Dude-ster...as the case may be, man."

I made cheese scrambled eggs and sausages for breakfast.

I'm listening to Sublime.

N. gave me a poster of a goat that says,"Keep Your Baaaa-lance."



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