Written @ 12:25 p.m. on 2007-09-02

Webmiss tagged me a while ago, and although, as a rule, I never do these things, I have been feeling a bit stagnant in my writing, so...here goes....

Four things about me that you may not have known...

1.When I was a little girl I wore high-top reeboks ( the kind with the laces and the two velcros around the ankle) everywhere. I wore them everyday to school. I wore them to play baseball. I wore them hiking even though my father bought me perfectly nice boots. I thought of this when I went hiking with my dad last week. The nice thing about them is that they are flexible on the bottom, so that you can grab onto things with one's foot, almost like being barefooted.

My ex husband also had a strange attachment to those very same 1980s reeboks. He tried to buy new ones in Los Angeles, and the sales guy laughed in his face, quite literally. "No one wears those! They are from twenty years ago!"

2. I am making spare ribs for dinner. I had to look them up on the internet to find out how to cook them. Did you know that you boil them for hours, and then cook them? Weird. I thought I'd try something new. My parents don't eat any meat that is not beige and the shape of a deck of cards, so all of these body parts kind of dishes are all new to me. The cave man aspect appeals to me. Ugh! Give me meaty bone!

3. I am a real slob. Like,really. Bad. The first step is admitting that you have a problem, although I'm not sure this counts because the people who have met me in Real Life already know. My mess comforts me. I actually like it.

4. I have a crush on captian Jean Luc Pacard, from Star Trek the Next Generation. I have had it since it was on tv, and I was like, 14. I didn't and don't care how old he is. See? There is a fun fact!

Four Jobs I've had:

1. Blackberry Fixer (the device, not the fruit)
2. Put-er of Small Children on Waterslides
3. Major Donor Coordinator for an environmental charity that specialized in being a watchdog of toxic waste clean-up (awesome, favorite job)
4. Homeowner's insurance agent

Four Movies I'd Watch Over and Over:

1. Stand By Me, my favorite because it reminds me of my friends when I was little

2. Fried Green Tomatoes, I have a fascination with the depression era

3. Empire Records, "I don't feel I need to explain my art to you, Warren!"

4. Stardust, I just saw it in the theatres and I want to go see it 10 more times!

Four Favorite TV Shows:
I don't really watch tv, but I have, before.
1. My So Called Life. Man, I loved that when it was on. I thought I WAS living in that show.

2. Commander Mark. This was a guy on PBS who taught kids to draw. He is my hero. There is a quote on this site that says, "Stay Positive and Draw, draw, draw!" That comes from him.

3. anything with celebrity gossip. I was raised on Entertainment Tonight. I turned it on because it was the only thing that would come in at the camp. Owen Wilson wanted to kill himself? Fascinating...

4.Oh! And I used to love when Silvia Browne was on Montel. I stlll can't figure out if she is for real or what.

Four Favorite Hobbies-
1. Anything having to do with Art
2. or Nature
3. or spirituality
4. and I do spend way to much time here, writing pointless stuff

Four Places I have lived-
I have lived A LOT of places
1. Upstate New York
2. Los Angeles
3. four places in Virginia. I love virginia.
4. boring old Pennsylvania, where I continue to reside, yet I am plotting my escape.

4. Four Favorite Foods-
I love food. All food. In large quantites.
1. Chocolate...I've developed a thing for whoppers, recently.
2. Anything tex-mex...taco, burrito, etc
3. a really nice cup of coffee in a restaurant, after dinner
4. really, everything, with seconds.

Four Places I'd Rather Be-
I'm pretty happy today, but of course
1. I'd like to be at the camp.
2. visiting Melissa in Asheville, NC
3. checking out stuff in New Mexico
4. In bed with B. : )

Websites I check daily-
1. I'm obsessed with diaryland.
2. Hotmail
3. work portal
4. hot asian underaged sluts. com
I love hot asian underaged sluts, what can I say?


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