Written @ 9:37 p.m. on 2007-11-08

So, the thing about this blog is that I used to think everything in my life was "so amusing", and write all about it, kind of like a travel log. Recently, I'm not that amused. It's not that it sucks or anything. It's nice. Nice job. Nice hair. Nice boyfriend. Nice kids. Nice apartment. It's cool, but not "amusing-haha-you-won't-even-believe-what-happened..." kind of stuff. I don't think my life changed so much as my perspective, and I'm having a hard time grasping the "youthful lust for life" I used to have. It's on vacation. It's not even that I'm depressed, it's like...nothing. I'm just nothing right now. It will pass.

So, here's something that would be amusing, if I were not already dead (sorry I already told you this one, Melissa)-

B. was getting ready to go to wrestling training, and he keeps his stuff in a little suitcase with wheels. He goes to grab the handle, and something is sticky on the handle, which is a common occurance in our household. Random driveby stickiness. He tries to wipe it off, but it won't wipe off, so he gets a napkin and puts it around the handle, and then holds onto that.

Watching all of this go down, while I stir the stir-fry, I smile and affectionately inform him,"You are such a pussy!"

Because P. is standing right next to me, B. laughs and says,"What? What? I didn't quite hear what you said...?"

"I heard what she said! I heard what she said!" chimes up P.

Oh no.

"She SAID that YOU are VERY PUSHY!"

Ah hahahahaha! We all had a good laugh. Whew. Close one.


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