Written @ 7:40 p.m. on 2007-12-05

Is anyone still reading this? This is an EXCITING! DAY!

In case you haven't noticed, I have been very lethargic lately. I've put on a ton of weight, and I've spent way, way too much time in my bed sleeping when I should be doing "important"...."things". Yesterday I was awake less than twelve hours. This sucked egregiously because I had lots of "important"..."things" that didn't get done (like work and make money for food). This morning, when I ripped myself from bed, I had this brilliant idea...why not take a sudafed?

(((Chorus of Angels)))) whyyyyyyy nooooooooot take a suuuuuuuudafeeeeeeeed????

All of a sudden, I am bouncing around, I'm christmas shopping, I'm running around the park in the snow with the kids, I'm cleaning out my fire hazard of a laundry room (which has rods on TWO levels, which means I am bopping up and down on the stepstool hanging up the up high stuff!), I'm sorting out the pantry, I'm delivering invitations to my friends for my Yule party, I'm...


OHMYGOD! Is this normal? Is this what normal feels like? Is this the normal energy that other people have all the time?

Holy shit.

So, I think maybe, either sudafed works like speed for me (which I really don't have a problem with) OR I have had chronic sinus and ear problems for so long that I don't even notice. Or both. A little freaked out, I call my mom.

"Mom, is sudafed speed?"


"Well, you know I've been really lethargic, and I thought I was depressed, and overweight, and couldn't move? Well, today I took a sudafed and I feel like a million bucks. I've done...(etc, etc, you already know what I've done)".

"Well, your sister had chronic sinus problems, and your father had chronic sinus problems, and your grandmother was deaf from chronic sinus and ear problems. I had it for, like, one day, and I felt like I wanted to stay in bed all day, so maybe that is your problem. Take sudafed until you can afford to see a real doctor."

"But it's not speed?"

"No. It's a decongestant."

"Are you sure?"


So, yeah, I have stabbing pains in my ears all the time, and yeah, I have constant postnasal drip, and yeah, I have constant sinus pressure, and yeah, I am constantly exhausted, but doesn't everyone? No?


Well, golllllll-ly.

I think I'll go alphabetize the medicine cabinet.


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