
goatbarnwitch - 2007-10-19 16:58:02
Ice cream has always been a comfort food for me and I think I am conditioning A. to the same "vice". I'm glad you had the outlet of driving and cool dairy to help get you grounded.... I am soooo behind in the halloween costume department that it ain't funny!
Melissa - 2007-10-19 19:25:11
That was a beautiful house. And beautiful country surrounding. But you were lonely and sad there, and I'm glad you've made it somewhere better.
Anna - 2007-10-19 19:48:19
I heard that song this evening that has the chorus, 'I get knocked down, but I get up again, ain't never gonna keep me down.' D'you know it? Chumbawumba. It says nothing about having to get up straight away. Anyway, I laughed and laughed when I saw you had the white sofa, so I've ordered a white one. Hey, it's cheap. I hope yours is as grubby as mine surely will be, despite my current good intentions vis a vis throws, shoes off etc, and I hope you care as little as I undoubtedly will. Hugs xx
artgnome - 2007-10-19 22:08:25
knowing your triggers is important to overcoming compulsive behaviors, good on you for being so aware.
Erianne - 2007-10-20 07:37:02
I'm actually allowed to have ice cream on my diet now because there's a company that sells low fat ice cream made with splenda. They have lots of yummy flavors, ice cream sandwiches and even some decadent stuff on the sticks. Heck, they even make popsicles too.
webmiss - 2007-10-20 08:34:51
Did you by chance marry my exhusband's evil twin brother? My God what is wrong with that man? He has two beautiful daughters and he makes it so difficult for them to spend time with him. Does he do that because he's an ass or just because he knows it's aggrivation to you? Sorry for all the trouble he's causing you, want me to attach a snapping mouse trap to his genitals?? Pass the ice cream please, I could use some too.
betty - 2007-10-20 09:02:06
sweetheart - you're not with the ex anymore. You can drive any damn where you please. you just have to keep reminding yourself of that. you were strong enough to get out and you are breaking the cycle of abuse for your daughters. !!!

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