
bitterwineuk - 2007-11-04 09:14:03
sounds a good weekend. Hope you get to have a little peace in your remaining hours!
deb - 2007-11-04 09:21:02
Plot the revolution, laundry is so blah (unless you need the undies).
artgnome - 2007-11-04 09:31:32
it has hit my sinuses too, in the form of a sneezy, snotty head cold. blech. feel better soon
LA - 2007-11-04 13:15:59
Damn! After that nice day too. Sorry the boogers attacked. Fie on laundry! Rest, mend, dream. ~LA
Stephanie - 2007-11-04 17:13:12
Sounds like a terrific visit, but I didn't expect anything less. I only wish I had been there!
betty - 2007-11-05 10:42:17
geez why do I have to live in BFE?? No diarylanders anywhere near me to hang with :(
opqxulyd - 2007-11-11 17:00:49
kkispeza zcbccnsq ltnaubni [URL=]zdpzqxkn[/URL] <a href="">golhpxff</a>
cheap adipex - 2007-11-28 06:12:44
In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.

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