
LA - 2007-11-06 08:04:32
Ah yes, Disney Dad syndrome. Most kids think life with Dad is the bomb...until they actually go and live with him. Don't panic if someday the girls want to try it. Every single kid I knew who went off to live with 'wonderful' Dad returned home within weeks. The 'big fun' curdled very quickly and suddenly that sane orderly veggie eating bedtime enforced life with Mom made sense and seemed safe and loving, not the prison camp they'd howled it was. I lucked out that most of Wolf's time with his dad is awful. Not that I'm happy my kid is ever upset but at least I don't get Disney Dad crap thrown at me. Wolf knows where his best interests lie and it isn't with Daddy-o. Hope you feel better, hon. ~LA
goatbarnwitch - 2007-11-06 08:21:30
Hey, that dad thing happens all the time and like LA said it doesn't pan out if the kid actually has to live with the dad. Reality is just that, reality. Now, get thee to a doc and make sure that all is well with your innards. I would miss you something terrible if something were really wrong (I know there isn't anything serious going on but I thought a little guilt might get ya movin)
Smash - 2007-11-06 09:55:08
Go see the fooken doctor. That's all I'll say about that. *hugz* I liked the bit about B arriving all heavy-metalled up, heh. Us heavy metaller rockerdudes are handy to have around sometimes, no? And yeah, kids are shallow. They have a fun time with someone and think they want that all the time. Like the way kids wish it was Christmas all the time. But then they get older and realise that while enjoyable, underneath the shiny gift paper lies a lot of hard work and dedication and commitment. Smashxxx
Melissa - 2007-11-06 13:53:49
"I told Melissa I would go to a doctor. I just didn't say which decade." Damned loopholes.

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