
artgnome - 2007-11-14 11:03:49
One of the best things I did while at community college was to take a career development course. They give you all the tests, counsel you, and help you to find what you are truly meant to do. Good luck with this!
Anna - 2007-11-14 11:49:44
She gives good advice too, your lovely Mum. Take some time. It's reassuring (for me) to hear of healed relationships. Hugs xx
goatbarnwitch - 2007-11-14 12:33:57
I think your mom is giving some damned good advice and being one heck of a support to you. Go with the plan if it feels good in your gut. It sounds good from out here.
betty - 2007-11-14 20:14:05
I wish my mom would help out some. But you know what? I've got my dad and he's the best. who knows where Ani and I would be if it weren't for him.

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