
grouse - 2007-12-07 01:01:01
And now he has given you a gift, just as sweet and intimate...
betty - 2007-12-07 08:14:56
dude....I've been stoned on sudafed for two days now trying to get over a cold and I've done THE ditziest stuff. its almost fun if it weren't so annoying.
goatbarnwitch - 2007-12-07 08:26:42
Amen to the privacy of the spirit and the gaudy attention seekers lack of spirit. What a lovely memory you will have of that car ride.
For-Tart - 2007-12-07 10:06:34
Your story gave me a lift when I needed it. Your friend has a philosophy I agree with. Merry Christmas.
pennyjar - 2007-12-07 10:27:11
THIS is why I have you listed 3 times in my buddy page. Awesome Christmas moment, hil. May I call you hil?
LA - 2007-12-07 11:53:24
EXACTLY! Please kiss B for me. Kiss yourself too, if you're really flexible and can reach, that is. (snort) Love, ~LA who is in an awesomely silly frame of mind
Denver doug - 2007-12-07 20:02:20
So reminds me of the story of the Juggler of Notre Dame - - - in the quiet of the night in front of the altar, he made his offering of the think he could do best. He juggled. I am often reminded of things like that when noting that a person is striving to do their very best, aren't they making an offering ?

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