Written @ 8:37 a.m. on 2007-05-23
My Grandma Smelled Beautiful

Wow. Stepped onto the scale today. I weigh more than I did the day I delivered P. Wow. That is not very healthy at all. I say again, Wow. I know I've been eating like B., who lives on fast food and works out 24/7, but I thought my horizontal workouts would take care of it. Afraid not.

I found an old friend from highschool yesterday, Lois Lane, and we imed for hours! I was laughing so loud, P. came to check on me and make sure I was ok! Oh my goodness! I haven't spoken to her in years. She is in Dublin getting a PHD, and is being courted by several universities because of her unique specialty, "Smart" clothing. This is clothing that DOES things, like lights up, or checks your bloodpressure, or makes pop tarts, etc. Soon she will be Dr. Lois Lane. Gahhh! She is awesome.

All of my friends from highschool are overeducated smartypants, and I am the college dropout, divorced, directionless fatty in a dying factory town. But with pizazz! Sigh.

I got bad news yesterday about my business. I thought I had a corporate account completely closed, the man was ready to write me a check, and...nothing. I'm going to have to refocus my direction. Which is hard when one is directionless! Ha! Today I am going to a nice neighborhood and canvassing the place with my flyers. It is a beautiful sunny day, and P. and I will enjoy the walk.

My ex picked up the kids yesterday, took them to the movies, paid me some money he owed me EARLY, gave them NEW SHOES and....and...REMEMBERED TO RETURN THE LIBRARY BOOK N. NEEDED FOR SCHOOL!!!!! This is astounding. This is amazing. I can't even believe it. And I am going to do another amazing thing. I am going to call and THANK him for being so NICE! Wow. I'm telling you, I never know what's going to happen around here, but I am going to be watching for flying pigs today.

There are amazing roses growing up the side of the pizzaria, blooming their little hearts out, as my grandmother would say. You have to say it in a real slow, virginian accent...juhhhhssst bluh-oommmmminnn' thehhhhhhhir lehhhhh-tul hearts ahhhhhhout. My grandmother was so cool. She was a model who looked a lot like Nicole Kidman, and she lived on gin and cigarettes. She was always talking about the power of positive thinking, and wore highheels and hats to the grocery store. Every man was in love with her. She ate a snickers bar every day at 4 o'clock, and smelled like the perfume, Beautiful. I miss her.

Listening to: Pagan radio. It's not that good. More like movie soundtracks.

Eating: Nothing. Ever. Again.

Grateful for: B.'s axe bodywash sitting in my shower. It's nice to have bits of him around.


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