Written @ 10:12 a.m. on 2007-06-08
Florida Pictures, part two

This is my second florida pictures entry. We are such wacky kids!

Food is very important at any family reunion. It is supposed to be a time that the old ethnic favorites come out, except (melissa?) my family is a waspy group of mutts who have forgotten their "old country". So, we have couscous, watermelon, and store bought orange cake.

This is a heron that hung out in the backyard of our rental condo. I have a special "thing" with herons. When I was in virginia, and my life was at its lowest, my mother kidnapped me and took me on a vacation to Williamsburg. We had a confrontation there, where I told her she just couldn't step in and pretend she had been a great mom. She told me that she would do better from that day forward, and she has. At the hotel, there was a pond. I stood at the pond, and a heron walked right up to me. I guess he was used to being fed. I looked at him, and his gripping beauty, and I noticed that his whole body is a simple straight line. The fish go in at one end, travel about two feet,and come out the other end. This brought me to the realization that life is supposed to be simple. Crazy as I may personally have felt, there was order in the universe. We complicate it with rules, relationships, and trying to make money, but the real, core, basic, godly life is without curlicues. It's ok to just "be". It's ok to live without struggle.

So, I like herons. I thought if I had a son someday I might name him Heron.

This is my fabulous N. My sister said she could add this to her survivor jr. audition tape. This was from the jungle walk we took behind our condo.

Here is N. again, on my brother's harley. Vroommmm!

P., Me, and the aforementioned Mermaid Pillow.


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