Written @ 7:18 p.m. on 2007-10-27
Lazy Day

Write, damnit.

I have been uninspired lately. Too much time with my own thoughts and company, and not much going on.

Next weekend LA The Sage AND Deb and I are all meeting up for lunch. Do you think that you can be in Allentown,PA next weekend, because if you can, you are like, fer sure, totally INVITED! The more the merrier! YAY! You can see me in the flesh, and be the first to touch my new dreadlocks for only a small fee.

I popped a tire, and B. helped me to put the doughnut on, but I'm not supposed to drive, so we have been home all day enjoying a lazy saturday. It is nice to have a quiet day with the girls.

My Super Lazy Day, by Hil The Thrill

8:30 am Woke up confused because B. wasn't there, but then I remembered its B's wrestling SHOW DAY, so he's up and out already, probably not having had more than an hours' sleep.

9:00 Wander around sleepy and confused, check and make sure I still have two children, and scratch my head and remember that I still have dreadlocks. Feed them breakfast, and give them a batman movie. Let them eat pretzels from their halloween stash with breakfast, and then take the baskets away. They already went trick-or-treating at B's grandma's old folx home.

9:30 Bath, which made me sleepier. Reading The Way of the Shaman in the tub. Interesting. Makes me imagine new ways of messing with B's head while under hypnosis. Note to self: Really hot baths knock me out...

10:00 Back to sleep, until I was awoken by B. on the phone, telling me to get my ass up and meet him at the gym.

11:30 Everyone dressed, everyone brushed, everyone coats, everyone shoes, we are going to the gym! Come on!

12:00 " Wow, am I jogging? I think I am! How weird!!! I'm not like, gasping for air. Let's slow down and think about this before you do something drastic, like full out RUNNING." :::check my dreads in the gym mirror:::: B. tells me that he enjoys watching me jog, to which I eloquently replied,"Shut the fuck up."

1:00 B. takes off to supervise the assembly of the ring. Make lunch for the girls of open faced peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat, with apple slices and peanuts making a smile on top. Make myself a diet ok smoothie. Sneak some halloween candy.

2:00 Ask the girls to clean their room, because if it is clean, I will invite their friends over.

2:15 Ask again.

2:30 Very little progress made, so I give them some helpful tips, show them specificly what I want, help a little, and remind them that if they do it fast, they can have a friend.

2:45 Start yelling.

3:00 Spankings administered. The room is finally cleaned. Invite friends over. They say they will come at 4:30. Start working on this cool batman picture I am making for Nevie to take as a gift to a birthday party tomorrow.

4:30 No call from friends. Still drawing.

5:00 No call from friends. Call, and get machine. Leave message. Still drawing.

5:30 No call from friends, so we decide to go to the playground. We run a lot of the way there. I am so proud. Yay me. At the park, I meet this really cool, british, history professor, and have a long talk about our mutual extremely liberal viewpoints. Totally makes my day to have an intelligent conversation and get to use my big words. It starts to get dark.

6:30 While walking home, I start to notice women staring at us from their front porches. Then I realize, they are hoping that we are trick or treaters. Trick or Treat was last night in our city, but it was POURING torrential rain, so they were hoping to snag at least one kid tonight. I didn't see any. So, we were invited onto a few porches, and the girls came home with about 5 more handfuls of candy without any sort of costume at all. AWESOME!

7 Cooked and ate (a controlled portion of) the homemade pasta that my favorite aunt gave us from her farm. Her 13 year old friend made it with eggs from her own free range chickens and sells it at their farmers market. It was really good. Call B and tell him to break a leg, but not his own.

7:30 My sister calls to tell me that she is in a fancy hotel in Edmonton,Canada, eating room service and having great sex with her husband, who she doesn't see often because they don't exactly live together because they don't exactly get along. I tell her that's great. :::Check the dreads, still cute:::::::

8:00 is just about the present, and I've got to give the kids a bath. Cheers!

So, that was my lazy, no housework, no work work, consuming the earths resources and producing nothing day. Quite nice. Tonight, The Way of the Shaman, and finishing up Batman.


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