Written @ 1:22 p.m. on 2007-11-06

Today we don't have school because it is Election Day. I'm not registered. It's not because I don't care as much as because I don't really live in Pennsylvania. I really live in Virginia, only I've been on vacation for three years. That's all. Check my driver's license. Yep. Still virginia. I like virginia. People are NICE there.

So, here we are, all together. Speaking of attitudes, it seemed that overnight, N. has become a "tween" with a "tween" attitude. She is SEVEN. S. E. V. E. N. 7. 8-1. Seven. Why is she so RUDE?

So, we have a little pep talk about "positivity". How life is much easier, and blue birds land on your shoulder when you have a positive attitude and stop CRITICIZING EVERY MOTHER FUCKING BREATH I TAKE. We played the positive game, where we name as many nice things as we can think of. That didn't work so much, so I had to take the hardline.

Every time she is critical without legitimate reason, I point it out. The poor kid can't get a word in edgewise, but really, how bad is it when EVERY THING YOU SAY is critical? It's pretty bad. It's like leash training a puppy. Wander over here..yank! Wander over there...yank! Poor kid. Has to be done.

Is this what public school does? I don't know, but I want my sweet kid back, and I'm not afraid to crack some heads to get what I require.

Back from Daddy, back to reality like the comfort of cold, hard cement.


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