
Deb - 2007-09-05 10:05:12
Your last entry definitely does not qualify you as boring. It was a little hard to think of a response. Selling plasma sounds like desperation. I hope if things are desperate you will email me. I would hate to think you were desperate (though at some level I understand the reality).
Erianne - 2007-09-05 11:20:15
You're definitely not boring. Sometimes it's just very hard to come up with an appropriate comment that won't sound trite.
hedli - 2007-09-05 13:28:52
Had I known you lived here in my computer, I would've accessed your entries (like in the out door?) more often. Not entirely sure you'd appershicate your big sis sticking her nose into the Algonquin and other places. The way you depict your daily joys and strife is so entertaining and descriptive I hope you realize what a gift you have and consider articles as a money making option. You have a gift and knowing you is a gift! Thanks for bringing FDOS (first day of school) alive for those of us who nearly miss it. Keep writing. Forever. And blessings today. With every colo(u)r of the rainbow! ~ Yo Sisto
sdg - 2007-09-05 16:38:49
SO... It just so happens that a town right up the road is named Algonquin. :D I drive through there frequently.
artgnome - 2007-09-05 20:52:19
I love the Algonquin for being the home of Dorothy Parker and the Algonquin Round Table. Parker is a favorite poet and author. Hah, hah, HAH - I remember mediation with my ex, he was escorted out for screaming in my face. So much for mediation. :)

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