
deb - 2007-10-12 11:16:12
You aren't perfect. So what. Who is? Only you can decide what you want. Only you can determine what is the most important thing to ensure that you and your daughters are safe and well and happy. The way I see it you lay it all out before you - pluses, minuses, hopes and dreams and hope like hell something stands out that helps you decide. Then you do the things that will move you in the direction of that decision and hope like hell it was the right one. And if later it feels like it was the wrong one, you take out your current options and do it again.
artgnome - 2007-10-12 11:19:48
don't ever be ashamed to love. you are not stealing from anyone else by loving these men. I would though, separate yourself from them both for awhile and see what your heart tells you. having them both around is only going to keep you confused. Also, think about which, or if either, bring out the best in you, or you them. To me, this has been the determining factor in the long running relationships I have seen have success. They are friends first, and bring out the best in each other and are good for each other.
Anna - 2007-10-12 11:34:21
Whatever else, don't be ashamed. Good luck, sweet Hil xxx
betty - 2007-10-12 12:18:59
of course you're loveable!!! this is a hard decision. and I honestly can't give any advice. I've been in your place and I haven't made the right choices all of the time. But I've learned to live with my decisions and I've also learned that they took me somewhere new. either way, you'll lose something but you'll also gain the person who could really truly make you happy!
becca - 2007-10-14 09:15:22
found you as we had a few friends in common so sorry if I have stumbled upon something incredibly personal. Just thought I would like to say that I do understand where you are are coming from. I am constantly thinking the same thing. I had a "thing" with my best male friend a while back. Now it's not that I won't move on, it's a case of if I start seeing someone else, I don't know who I feel like I am most being unfaithful to. You'll get there hugs. x
Melissa - 2007-10-17 22:33:32
I am reading this very late, and I don't have any advice anyway, having never had to choose like that, but I just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you and I hope you find your way. My computer at home is fixed, but now I'm out visiting in the Northwest. Grove and I are at a beach house with no internet. I won't be home until end of the month, but maybe I can get online next week when we go back to my mom's house. We'll see. Hugs and hopes for you.

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