
betty - 2007-10-25 12:52:06
can't wait to see pics of your hair! I love orange and gray together.
Erianne - 2007-10-26 03:24:49
Happy fall to you! I love spring the best, but I admit that fall is my second favorite season. The colors around here are amazing right, gold, purple, orange, yellow and green all in the same skyline as seen from my sunporch window.
goatbarnwitch - 2007-10-26 14:00:00
I would love to get together but next weekend we have plans both days. Both plans are things A. is looking very much forward to. Damn, scheduling is such a bitch sometimes.
LA - 2007-10-26 18:14:29
Finally! Sorry about the lag time with updating my buddy list. We'd love to hook up with you when we're down for the toy show! YAY!!! Fire me an email so I have your addy and we'll set it up. Mwah! ~LA

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