
artgnome - 2007-11-28 18:12:12
there are men, and there are poor reflections of them. Too bad we both got stuck with the latter. I have to say the girls are better off without him. my ex's constant meddling is now hurting my child more than helping him.
betty - 2007-11-28 21:15:53
karma.......he's got his coming to him!!
becca - 2007-11-29 04:00:06
This is really hard to read, I feel so much for you right now but you have come through it. I do agree with artgnome saying that there are some bad apples out there so I agree with you, the fact he has less to do with the kids is a help for you, but it doesn't make the old battles feel any easier or less raw. What he did was dispicable(sp?) and I am so sorry you had to go through that. I often say these things are like you said, not about the kids but a power struggle. You have the strength to make a stand and do what you want and many men can't deal with that so the only way they can try to "get back at you" is to undermine everything you do and that is the worst feeling especially with the seriousness of your own case. (((((((Hugs))))))))))
pantrypuff - 2007-11-29 10:03:33
Hey -- I'm a new reader, found you through Betty and spent hours yesterday reading your blog because I love your writing. Just my two cents: I don't think he tortured you just because he wanted something to do. He did it because he's a sick narcissist. Narcissists aren't capable of true love for anyone but themselves. It sucks to end up in relationships with people like that. My father meets every criterion for the typical narcissist and what I can say is this: your kids will go through ups and downs with him but with you as their mom, they'll get through it. I'm really sorry this happened -- and for rambling like this!!!
LA - 2007-11-29 14:22:02
I guess it's good Mike is so inept and lazy, when I put myself out of immediate reach he stopped torturing me. Your ex is a shit. But you knew this. As for the quote: Fran�ois Rabelais', 'Gargantua and Pantagruel': "In the prime of his years he married Gargamelle, daughter of the king of the Butterflies, a fine, good-looking piece, and the pair of them often played the two-backed beast, joyfully rubbing their bacon together..." Later Shakespeare used it in 'Othello'- "I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs." ~LA
deb - 2007-11-29 17:38:44
He's an ass, but we knew that.

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