
pennyjar - 2007-12-03 04:50:46
what time is it when your moose ornament farts? Time to get a new tree. (HAAA!!! little kid's dumb joke. I enjoy making them up.) One year we dried orange slices and put them on a white light tree. They were tremendously pretty, but it bothered me to waste oranges. Or you could compromise, in addition to Snoopies, you could use peanut butter/birdseed pinecones, apple rings and cranberry chains, stuff like that, and then set out the whole tree out for the birds in January. Martha told me to say that. It's 4:30 a.m. I shouldn't be commenting on other people's pages.
artgnome - 2007-12-03 05:50:37
It's the same way for me and Halloween. I know I'm doing it for my child, to keep his sense of wonder and magic going on. I stay out of the present giving loop as much as possible, and usually only buy for my son, for everyone else, I make. For me, Christmas is no longer about Christ, but about capitalism and how America has a way of ruining the true spirit of anything.
goatbarnwitch - 2007-12-03 08:09:05
I think Pennyjar has some fine ideas at 4:30am. Compromise is often the way to go when dealing with family tradition and personal spirituality. The commercialization thing is really annoying though and should be avoided if possible even if it is by way of doing charitable deeds with the kids.
Stephanie - 2007-12-03 08:58:24
I love the word (and concept of) "Yule." Thank you for reminding me of it.
Smash - 2007-12-03 16:05:34
Whatever you do, I'm sure "Yule" have a great time!!! LMFAO. I am sooo fuckin funny. Or... Smashxxx

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