
goatbarnwitch - 2007-12-05 20:42:51
Well, sudafed is not technically speed but it is an ingredient in meth so it comes rather close. But it does help with the congestion issues so go with that. I get a wicked headache from the stuff so I stick with osha root or the herbal source for psuedoephedrine (what sudafed is) which is the herb ephedra (also know as ma huang). Herb lesson over :)
pennyjar - 2007-12-05 22:22:23
My poison used to be Drixoral. They quit making it because the CIA wasn't getting their cut on the legal over-the-counter form. Pretty sure that's why. Sorry about your congestion and all, hope you feel better. :)
becky - 2007-12-05 23:22:23
sudafed is speed. mild. i used to take it to study. they stopped giving it out at the reed nurse's office because so many kids were doing the same thing. still, it's extremely mild. take it, if it helps. eventually it'll stop working, though.
Stephanie - 2007-12-06 05:12:09
Wow, I always thought sudafed was supposed to make you drowsy... I learned quite a lesson in your comments section!
LA - 2007-12-06 09:03:06
Sudafed always hypes me up too. Could never figure out if it was the drugs or whether I was finally getting some oxygen into my brain. Either way...enjoy! ~LA
becca - 2007-12-06 09:35:07
:) I'm glad its not just me that goes into a vegetive state as soon as the weather changes. I feel pretty rough too and I know its cos I've let my healthy eating and exercise just dropp completely. Dammit.

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