Written @ 12:01 a.m. on 2007-07-24
As well as can be expected

Well, I'll put the end of the story at the beginning...
The children and I are now protected by a PFA. In layman's terms, that's a restraining order. My ex can't come near us, and we will have a hearing on the 31st to decide what happens.

The system is a nightmare. It took four hours of agony to get the PFA. The judges all were in a conference for two days, followed by a weekend, so there were throngs of people and cases to be heard. There were babies crying, and people yelling and phones ringing. Everyone seemed to be in the wrong line, or not speaking english, and for some satanic reason, the air conditioning was blasting and it was about 40 degrees inside. I'm not exaggerating. You could see your breath.

My ex was not there. The temporary pfa is based on my testimony alone. On the 31st is when he will tell his side. I think the judge was just exasperated by the day...they lined us all up, asked,"What happened?" and he signed off on every one. I got lucky. I am additionally lucky because he included the children from the order. I feel I must protect the children from him as well, and as predicted, they WILL NOT be going to Michigan. Over my dead body at this point.

I feel embarrassed talking about this. I feel like I'm airing dirty laundry. I have gone through this so many times, I have to say it gets a bit less painful with every one, but it is by degrees. Getting your skin peeled off up to your elbow as opposed to up to your armpit. Either way, it's not comfortable. I don't really want to talk about it. I really do appreciate everyone's comments, and please forgive me if I haven't replied. Sometimes I just don't know what to say. Thankyou also for any prayers and positive energy. I feel so lucky to have so many people who care.

The real hero of the day is B. and his family. Peach was an absolute God. His shoulder is separated, he didn't sleep the night before, and he was in excrutiating pain. Although he is normally nocturnal, he was up at 6:00 and helping me scrub the kitchen down for the possible arrival of a social worker. He accompanied me to the courthouse, froze for four solid hours, and then was refused access to the courtroom. Rather than just go home, he waited in the hall, even though he looked like he was going to cry from the pain in his shoulder. I am blown away by this heroic act of generosity. Never in all my years has anyone stood by me like that, even my parents. I am so grateful.

Mrs. B. watched the girls, and they watched Snow Dogs, and ate hot dogs. She has really stepped up into an instant Grandman, and I just want to cry thinking about it. She is cross stitching pillowcases for them.

Another day put to bed. Thanks for listening.


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