Written @ 10:38 p.m. on 2007-09-06
Merry Christmas in Sept

Office of Children and Youth Services sent me a letter. The case is CLOSED!!!!

"We have identified the following strengths:
1.Mother has very positive things to say about children
2. Mother maintains a safe and sanitary home
3. Family has faced difficult situations and remained intact."

"We are unable to substantiate the need for ongoing services. Case is CLOSED."

Yesterday, mediation with my ex consisted of him refusing to negotiate because of this open case, and how desperate he was to provide a proper home for his children since he believed that they are neglected at my place. He informed me that he will see me in court, where he will be suing me for full custody.

The entire bottom of his case just dropped out by this referral being unsubstantiated. What terrible, neglected situation is he talking about? Exactly? I am so relieved! I knew I was right, but I maintain skepticism as to whether the system will ever deliver justice. This time, I got lucky.

Thank God. Thank Goddess. I feel like laying down on the sidewalk and crying, relief.

He has court ordered week on/week off custody, yet they have been with me uninterrupted since april. He could have come and picked them up at any time if he was so concerned for their safety. He never did, and he told the mediator that the reason for this is that he is working extra hard so that he can afford to sue me for full custody.

He is NOT seeing his kids now, so that he can save money to fight me! He doesn't talk to me about his concerns. He just prepares his bunker for the war that doesn't exist. I'm done fighting with him. I shouldn't even be writing about him. I should give him as little focus as possible in my life. I refuse to give him the fight he so desperately wants. He's dumb, and I'm cool and that's it. : )

I'm just grateful for this good news, and grateful for every blessed second I get to share with my superstar kids. Never, ever do I get a chance to take them for granted. I may be in a pit of financial misery, but I have purchased tons, and tons of quality time with my girls this summer, and that is worth a million to me.

My mom called me today with more good news. She will be receiving a tidy sum from my grandfather's estate. Like, enough to buy a small house. Excellent. She deserves it. I'm so happy for her. Of course, it doesn't heal the wounds of a torturous childhood, but she shouldn't have to worry about being taken care of in her retirement. I hope that she blows a bunch on stupid shit and enjoys herself.

AND B was finally able to go to a doctor for his shoulder, and he doesn't need surgery and is able to get back in the ring. YES! He is like a new man, and couldn't wait to get to practice tonight. It's Merry Christmas for everybody.


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